Saturday, December 13, 2008

Texas (again)

My travels last week took me back to Texas. My first stop was lovely Amarillo. The most notable part of the visit there was the location of my hearing. I pulled up to the address as directed by my GPS device but decided I had to be in the wrong place. It was a senior center. Now, anyone who has done Social Security hearings will tell you that they are held in all kinds of places. They're never held in actual court rooms. The most formal setting is little more than a conference room. I've also been in hotel conference rooms, and a colleague of mine has even held one in a hotel room. Never, however, have I been in a senior center. Right beside the small room where the hearing was held was a large room where scores of old people were line dancing. On the other side were elderly folks anxiously engaged in playing pool.

This coming week is my busiest travel week ever: South Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, and Colorado in successive days.


Marian said...

Wow Robyn, do you sometimes forget what your husband looks like!!!

Holly said...

So, did you get up with all those old ladies and do the Macarena with them? That would have left their blood a pumping!

Jackie said...

You around a bunch of old ladies?! That's like dangling raw meat in front of pit bulls.

Heather said...

Jackie's pretty funny. Sounds like quite the experience. You'll be telling that one for a long time.