Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our First Big Snowfall (and Maybe Last)

We have been waiting and waiting here in Idaho for some snow to play in.  It finally came.  I was getting really worried that we'd never be able to put to use that snowsuit I purchased for Matthew several months ago.  As soon as Matt got home from his hearings, I sent him out to play in the snow with Matthew.  Being pregnant, I wasn't going to fit into my snow pants and I figured it is just much easier for Matt to move around out there and build a snowman.  Thank goodness he works from home, or I would have had no option but to go out.  It started raining later in the afternoon and on through the night, so the snow didn't last long.  That snowman started melting and falling over in less than an hour after they'd built it.  At least we have proof that it snowed and that we (they) played hard!

The ski resort here, Bogus,  had it's latest opening in 69 years of being open due to the lack of snow.  I hope we get a few more good storms in before winter is over.  I have to admit, I really enjoyed the rain the few days following this snow storm.  It rarely rains here and so I was smiling all day as I drove in the rain.  It reminds me of Pennsylvania and the people and beauty that I miss there.

Matthew all dressed for the snow.  He was pretty upset to be put into all of that gear.  Once he got out in the snow he realized Mom had good intentions after all.  He got frustrated with the gloves and Matt eventually took them off so he could make better use of his hands.

Matthew and daddy rolling the first ball for the base of their snowman.

The finished product!